Shoreline Drive
Long Beach, CA
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City Fabrick drafted the Highways to Boulevard proposal for Shoreline Drive, going into detail of the past, present, and potential future for Shoreline Drive.
Shoreline Drive in Downtown Long Beach serves approximately 30,000 vehicles everyday, serving as the primary connection to the I-710 Freeway. With between four and eight lanes of traffic spanning between 100 and 500 feet, Shoreline Drive is an over-engineered thoroughfare that cuts the Downtown off from the waterfront and Los Angeles River. In collaboration with the Congress for New Urbanism’s Transportation Summit City Fabrick studied the potential to reimagine Shoreline Drive as a multimodal boulevard with surplus public right-of-way repurposed for community benefit.
Urban + Systems

Planning + Policy
A number of elements from the Highways to Boulevard proposal for Shoreline Drive proposal are being analyzed and implemented. This includes the temporary reconfiguration of Shoreline Drive toward the waterfront for traffic calming and reconsideration of the Shoemaker Bridge Replacement project to include new park space and active transportation improvements. The City of Long Beach was awarded one of the first Reconnecting Communities implementation grants by the US Department of Transportation for the redevelopment of Shole Drive and replacement of the Shoemaker Bridge.