La Placita Cinco
Santa Ana, CA
More Info
La Placita Cinco, in the City of Santa Ana, is the prototypical solution for revitalizing the auto-oriented strip mall into a mixed-use, neighborhood-serving center.
City Fabrick led the overall schematic design and community engagement for La Placita Cinco and engaged the current businesses to coordinate their respective branding, interior design, and signage.

Urban + Systems
A diversity of outdoor community spaces designed to physically connect residents and community members throughout the project. The central hub of activity at La Placita Cinco will be located in the intersection of the north-south and east-west esplanade, formed by a pedestrian plaza and mini-park that fronts onto a band shell. Health and wellness form the foundation of the redevelopment with a quarter-mile walking path looping throughout La Placita Cinco, with limited interruptions from vehicles.

Planning + Policy

Building + Interior
The suburban parking lot that previously dominated the site provides the platform for creating community-serving uses including outdoor community areas, spaces for nonprofit partners, and new family-oriented affordable homes. This has been done while retaining the two primary commercial buildings as well as the existing small businesses, which provide an ideal mix of neighborhood-serving retail, restaurants, and services. A new mixed-use building was added at the southwest corner of the site creating an engaging urban edge along 5th Street and Hawley Street while insulating the community open spaces internal to the commercial center.