Cambodian American Cultural Center
Long Beach
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The Cambodian American Cultural Center of Long Beach Vision Plan represents years of hard work, dedication, and advocacy to envision a hub of community for Cambodian Americans and beyond.
City Fabrick partnered with the United Cambodian Community (UCC) and Lord Cultural Resources to lead this planning and engagement effort for the City of Long Beach.
Urban + Systems

Planning + Policy
This Plan is the first of many phases in creating the Cambodian American Cultural Center and establishes an operating vision and feasibility plan, from which the facilities, management, and programming will be developed.

Building + Interior
Landscape Architecture

The visioning process for the Plan was primarily informed through public input and facilitation using contextualized strategies of community engagement. From June 2022 through March 2023, engagement strategies included four steering and honorary meetings, a public survey, youth survey, community roundtables, and community events. As a result of this outreach, a financial feasibility study and recommendations were developed that provide guidance for future phases of development, operation, and programming.